Dinosaur Dreaming
The questions: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10
Ten questions (10): Do you think you'll ever stop looking for fossils?
Tom Rich: Yes, when I am on the way to becoming one.
Pat Vickers-Rich: Yes - when I'm dead.
Lesley Kool: I have a vision of myself tottering along the shore platform near Inverloch and people pointing at me saying "there goes that mad old woman still looking for fossils". As long as my eyesight and legs hold out I will always look for fossils.
Nicola Barton: I hope not. I've yet to find any work I enjoy more.
Nick van Klaveren: No; becoming short-sighted with age is actually an advantage! Nicole Evered: NO!! |