Dinosaur Dreaming
The questions: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10
Ten questions (8): Why do you think that children are so interested in fossils?
Tom Rich: See 6.
Pat Vickers-Rich: Because they are still able to be genuinely and unpretentiously curious.
Lesley Kool: I think children have the imagination to appreciate the real animals behind the skeletons they see on display in museums and in books. They have no real concept of the time span between now and 120 million years ago. They only know that dinosaurs and other animals lived a long time ago and they were pretty special. Most children lose their imagination when they grow up to become adults. The children that don't lose their imagination and sense of wonder grow up to be palaeontologists.
Nicola Barton: Because they leave A LOT to the imagination.
Nick van Klaveren: All animals profit by observing the predators of their species. Humans having reduced this threat are still fascinated by them, even extinct ones. Hence the love of T. rex. Nicole Evered: Their imagination is fired up, especially when they realise that man was not on earth when the dinosaurs lived. |